Sunday, March 13, 2005


  Lauren arrived at the Mill race at 7.15, about fifteen minutes early. She continued driving past the tavern for about ten minutes, then turned her SUV around and started back. She remembered that Brent had said 7.30 and she didn`t want to sit in a bar alone.

 When she arrived at the tavern she found a parking space close to the entrance and, after checking her makeup, she entered the front door.

 The tavern was dimly lit, but she could see the bar area was to her right. Lauren walked to the bar entrance, then hesitated. There were only five customers there, two couples and an older man. Lauren, crestfallen, checked her watch; 7.45! Feeling a bit foolish, she turned and started walking back to the front entrance.

 As she approached the door, she felt a light touch on her shoulder. "Lauren, Hi. I`m so sorry. I`ve been sitting at a table in the dining room and I must have missed you. Come, it`s much more private there at this hour."

 Brent took her elbow and led her to a nook near the back of the dining room, where they sat. "I`m so happy you`ve come. I was worried I`d been stood up!"

 Lauren smiled nervously as Brent poured her a glass of white wine from a decanter on the table. "Chardonnay, wasn`t it?" Lauren nodded and Brent raised his glass to hers, speaking, "Here`s to our adventure."


c 2005  Deabler, V.T.


Anonymous said...

Here's to our . . . *adventure*?

D*mn, what confidence! He already knows he has her hooked. And what is she doing accepting a glass of wine from him that was in a decanter? (Or anything he had access to first for that matter?) Is she nuts? He could have easily slipped something into it. She should have said no and politely gotten out of it with "I prefer not to drink and drive" and then ordered something else. Then again, maybe she was flustered about the thought of being stood up. (But that's her fault for driving 10 minutes past the place to begin with.) Oh well. She seems too polite to say no anyway.

Although she appears to have a perfect life, she's not as fulfilled by it as she would like and is easily manipulated. And that's why she's in that tavern. With him. Regardless of how she will try to rationalize it to herself.

All this, and now she only has about 1/2 hour to spend with him before she has to get back home to her family. Just as well. To someone like Lauren, he's dangerous.  

Geez. It's only a story, right? Look at me getting all emotional. lol  Yeah, this is going to be a good book, Vince. :-D

(P.S. Feel free to delete any of my ranting and raving comments. I wouldn't be insulted in the least.) :-D

Anonymous said...

I had a friend who used to do this kind of stuff.  Started hanging out with a pool hall gambler in various bars and stuff.  She wasn't married, but the feelings of fear arise in me again now as they had before.  Thinking this isn't the kind of situation that's safe.  'fraid of those back corners...

Anonymous said...

WOW! I'm so impressed with this entry, Vince.  I especially love the last line. Those four words put numerous images into my mind. BIG HUGS.  *Barb*

Anonymous said...

bring on the adventure baby!

Anonymous said...

ok I for one cant WAIT to hear more about there adventure, whether she should or shouldnt be hooked is beside the point. What is a story if not the chance to live out a fantasy safely. Bring on my fantasies V! LOL ~Sooz

Anonymous said...

Hi ya there Mr. V. I never did answer that question about how to get your Scotsch older, you buy it ,put it away, and drink it in 3 to 4 years. I'm sure that will work. I guess you have started a new book. I hated I missed so much of James, I could never catch up. Get it published and I can buy it to read the whole thing.I wrote a little note in my journal about being back. Take care, missed you much. Sandy

Anonymous said...

Adventure? Wow, that's putting the cart before the horse. But, I always liked a guy with just a tad of arrogance, confidence really but just a bit more verbal about it.
:-) ---Robbie

Anonymous said...

I was afraid Brent was going to start drinking from her glass again.  :)

Anonymous said...

I love adventure stories! :)

My photo journals: (Expressions) (Moon Photography)

Anonymous said...

Boy, he's a smooth one in a self-assured way.  Seduction at its best!  gloria